The world is uneasy. Headlines are a swirling mass of protests, missile-strikes, migrant atrocities, naval battles, collapsing borders and threats of terrible new wars. Hundreds of millions are baffled or enraged by the behaviour of the governments they elected. In 2024 the sense of disbelief and betrayal goes far beyond the normal end-of-term grumbling that rises in volume as elections approach. For sure, the gap between promises and delivery has stretched credibility, as often before. But voters caught on this hell-ride to nowhere are painfully aware that the STOP switch has disappeared along with the PAUSE option.
Standards have been thrown away, economies burgled, culture corrupted. To hasten this process, our western history is now literally being erased before our eyes. So far past acceptable are these developments that large-scale societal violence now seems inevitable, and its eruption is closing fast. Centuries of civilisation cannot be obliterated without the kind of bloodshed common to revolutions. Against this background, we are once again invited to vote.
But those who have invested complete faith in the democratic system are today confronted by the shocking realities that all votes lead to the same outcomes, and each election brings only an acceleration of the downward spiral.
The extremism of the global political agenda -there is only one- seems inexplicable, almost impossible to rationalise. Yet the mad manoeuverings which obsess our politicians -the climate-voodoo cult, the determination to flood europe and America with third-world losers, the brutal hi-tech wars that cost trillions and improve nothing- all make perfect sense if you discard the idea that governments are run by those we elect. None of these three goals would be pursued by any regime which put the needs of its own citizens first.
Yet these policies -with all the power-grabs involved- are quite easy to understand if you accept that there are much more powerful organisations elsewhere, from which our so-called leaders are taking orders. It follows that voting, in this context, has no purpose.
This, of course, is the point at which the solid citizen is supposed to cry “conspiracy theory!” and go meekly to the polling booth to select the “lesser evil” from what is, if they had the courage to admit it, a one-course menu. Go ahead then, loyal voter -exercise your hard-won democratic privilege. You can have any flavour of government you like, so long as it’s globalist. Red, pink, blue and green globalism are all available, with a big helping of elite sauce.
I hate to spoil anyone’s fun, but for those with eyes wide open, the “superior power elsewhere” scenario I am describing does not require any great conspiracy. Super-rich families, corporate dynasties and banking cartels are, like it or not, the pivotal forces within all civilisations, past and present. It is wilfully stupid to tell yourself that Prime Ministers and Presidents do not obey orders from these sources, because the governments themselves cannot exist without the non-governmental powers. We need to get our collective heads round one simple fact: Non-governmental groups control all the money on earth. Don’t take my word for it -here’s the 32nd president of the United States spelling it out for you…
QUOTE: “The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the larger centers has owned the Government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson.”
— Franklin D Roosevelt letter to Colonel Edward House, Nov. 21, 1933
How much do you know about money? Nearly everyone I have ever met did not know -or refuses to believe- that central banks can simply print money out of thin air, and then distribute it to their friends. Although this blatant fraud -they call it fractional reserve banking- is the foundation of every banking system in history, it is never discussed in public. That little fiddle should be compulsory information for all schoolkids aged over 12, but you’ll need big binoculars to find a single adult that ever heard about it.
[Learn More BY watching “Century of Enslavement” CLICK HERE]
If your faith in the democratic process overrides this kind of uncomfortable truth, you should be aware that your trust in the power of government is very much a minority view. Try to name a country that trusts its government; the chances are it won’t be yours.
Here is an eye-opening table compliled by Statista for 2023:
Only five nations showed a majority who ‘trusted’ their government. It is disgraceful but hardly surprising that the United Kingdom -the much-vaunted “cradle of democracy” scraped in at 30%, just above the uncivil chaos that is South Africa and the quasi-fascist pastures of Argentina. Think you can vote your way up this table?
It would be easy to dismiss the inhabitants of the top three countries where trust in the government was claimed to be high (Saudi Arabia, China and India) as ill-informed or brainwashed. But wait a minute. These populations are not watching their rulers deliberately implode their economies. Their cities and towns are not being overrun by unwanted immigrants. Are any of those three governments poised to bankrupt their nation on the altar of the Carbon Holocaust to appease the Angry Weather God? I think not.
This is not rocket science. People have more trust in a government which does not treat its own citizens as the bottom priority. Where do you feel you stand in the national list of ‘priorities’ declared by your elected officials?
A basic misunderstanding of the real world underpins the naive assumptions of too many voters. The ignorance of 21st century western populations is neither blissful nor excusable. This is what always happens when a burst of progress creates complacent people; the milk of self-indulgence sours into decadence and decay. It killed Rome and it’s killing us. We had no right to assume our brief post-WW2 encounter with comfort and ease would become the norm. The predator class were hardly going to overlook such an open goal as an idle, stoned middle-class advising their children to chill out. Since 1950, the public’s enthusiasm for elections has nose-dived.
In 1950, 84% of registered voters actually voted. Tony Blair’s second victory came with a dismal turnout of 59%. Since then the average has been 65%. Faith in UK politicians has been heading south for over 20 years for reasons too obvious to repeat.
That 84 to 65 percent drop does not tell the whole story either. The amount of voters participating in elections was given a sudden boost in 1969 when the voting age was lowered from 21 to 18. (I will discuss the unintended consequences of that decision in a future post.) The most significant impact was not seen until Tony Blair’s New Labour project correctly identified uncommitted young voters as potential game-changers, and targeted Britain’s youth with a barrage of juvenile idealistic slogans. Similar vapid catch-phrases (no borders, no walls / black lives matter / trans rights are human rights) are now the common language of self-styled “activist” college slackers, who convince themselves that parroting every last item on the globalist wish-list is “radical”.
We have been systematically dumbed-down by a corrupt education framework designed specifically to recruit voters to an immature idealist fantasy of the Left. Today’s average western school-leaver is historically, geographically and economically illiterate. The average corner-shop accountant in the 1950’s understood more about finance than college lecturers do in 2024. Decades of effort have gone into concealing the unpleasant truth about the money-go-round called “the global economy” and its creators are now mopping up the spoils of our ignorance.
America and Britain, like most european nations, are bust. The remnants of the western industrial economies are zombies, kept afloat by utterly unpayable debt. That debt does not exist in some parallel universe, but right here on earth. The receipts are held by central banks and trans-national corporations. As a result, they can dictate what governments do. If they pull the plug (demand payment) the governments vanish. Your elected leaders obey because the alternative is extinction, anarchy and failed states.
In general, only higher-achieving politicians experience the blunt formality with which these harsh realities are made known. For example, when the new top dog walks through the door of the White House or number 10 Downing Street, some pretty major surprises are waiting, in the form of short, sharp lectures from established apparachiks :civil servants we call them in Britain. These creatures are not power-brokers, merely messenger-boys from the outside world of investment and debt-control.
Rank-and-file politicians who enter government on the coat-tails of the top-dog elite are powerless cyphers, as they soon realise. Cyphers need little persuasion to be come to heel, smitten by the attractive illusion that they are playing a meaningful part in government. Like anybody else, minor politicians who are suddenly very well-paid for doing not much are apt to convince themselves of their crucial importance in the scheme of things, and proceed to dig in for a long career on the gravy train. I have had several friends and acquaintances of this kind, almost invariably mediocre individuals, neither dreadful nor saintly. Of course, most are too stupid to realise they are pawns in a game played far above their heads.
All of our political class, from the mighty Premiers to the lowest intern, are witting or unwitting participants in what amounts to an elaborate theatrical performance. It is to this theatre that TV cameras and journalists are invited, and the subsequent “reports” are basically reviews of the latest production. In this way, the public can be encouraged to feel they are “participating” by adopting opinions about fake controversies and hollow party-political debates which are never resolved but supply hours of entertainment and distraction.
It took nearly a century to perfect this scheme, and it functions rather well -up to to the point where the gulf between what is described by government and what is experienced by people becomes too wide to tolerate. That is the unfortunate predicament of the public in all democracies now.
What happens next will not, unfortunately, be decided at the ballot box. If you still think voting will resolve our very real problems, I invite readers to recall the aftermath of (a) the Brexit vote and (b) the election of President Donald Trump. We must assume that all future attempts to derail the non-governmental agenda will be severely punished. You have been warned.
I have sent this article to my MP along with a request to read it . He is one of our half decent representatives .