The Trump/Robinson Effect Has Terrified Elites Jailing Their Opponents
The streets of New York and London are on course for chaos
Political prisoners are piling up like mortal sins; the bloody fingerprints of Presidents and Prime Ministers smeared on every cell-door. Britain’s tin-pot Castro has loosed an army of convicted thieves, perverts and wife-beaters onto streets already swarming with illegal immigrants, to make room for Robinsons. In Washington a storm rages behind White House doors in the looming shadow of a Trump presidency. Corrupt media screams Hitler! Nazi! Racist! Rape! Murder! while trapped in US prison-cells are the January 6th ‘insurrectionists’ who dared question America’s 2020 electoral farce. In the ungoverned chaos of France, seven have been arrested for protesting the porn-laced anti-christian mockery that opened the Paris Olympics. More arrests are promised: “This is just the first wave.” On the migrant-besieged coast of England Tommy Robinson is siezed and jailed again for 18 months because he refuses to kiss ass for the UK’s rigged judicial system. Your 21st century schizoid world, streaming live on the internet for all to see.
British Prime Minister Kier Starmer is engineering a uniquely swift political catastrophe. Having alienated an entire nation, he blinks in bewilderment that he is unloved; that even his own faux-Labour party want him gone, tomorrow. The rag-tag cowards fronting the Reform Party, a uniparty trap into which millions willingly stepped, sulks like a jilted date on the fringe, spouting irrelevant soundbites. Popular hero Nigel Farage, looking dog-eared and stale, is stuck between a job and a hard place, turning cartwheels to retain his status as top celebrity dissident. Natural extinction has removed the Tories like a dead wart, and everyone else is hiding under a BBC security blanket as the Tommy Problem rears again, fierce and erect like some unkillable plebian monstrosity.
The truth always finds a way. Trump fills gigantic stadiums as thousands flock to his common-sense political platform. Tommy Robinson -trapped in a jail-cell to seal his lips- drew a bigger crowd to central London for his Unite the Kingdom rally than any of the parties in the Westminster pig-trough could dream of. The Donald is poised on the brink of power while Tommy is commencing an 18-month spell of solitary confinement, but the task for both remains the same: do not back down.
If the electoral sytem in the UK was presidential rather than parliamentary, it would be hard to imagine any politician collecting more votes than the bull-necked boy from Luton. Robinson may not yet have united the kingdom, but he sure as hell joined a lot of the dots. Britain’s two-party system is already dead, they just haven’t noticed yet. In the US and UK, the left turned right, the right went left and democracy slurped down the U-bend in the middle. The only government worth having is the one you hardly notice, but thanks to the covid scam half the millennials and zoomers on earth have government-recipe blood flowing in their veins.
Of course there is a Trump, and a Tommy Robinson; the cure invariably stalks the disease. There was always a Trump, since the superlative crafting of the American constitution and the inevitable rise of its communist opponents. There was already a Tommy Robinson, long, long before the Obamas and Starmers, Bidens and Blairs, the bandits and banksters who sold out the free west to the lowest foreign bidder. Robinsons are born, not made.
The Robinson, like the Trump, is a force of nature, molten or immovable, manifesting as required: whenever it is needed. There is a tongue of righteous fire that burns within us all, if we are honest. Europeans will never escape their addiction to freedom; you can’t impose a one-world order on tribes that breed individuals. Tommy Robinson is the inheritor, the one for his generation. Uniquely stubborn and disarmingly complete, he has the steel cojones to love his country more than his life. He found the strength to roar in the faces of the race-grifting traitors who dared to mock him while they preach a sick cult of self-hatred to the children of this country. How in the name of Christ did we sink to the depths of having a government that gathers kids into brainwashing-classes and says:
White boy -hide your face in shame. White girl -obey the groomers. Struggling with puberty? Why not cut off your dick, or your breasts? Reality means nothing, sex is all in the mind and there’s no such thing as a woman. Now form a queue for your next mRNA shot and eat bugs or else you’ll die in the climate holocaust. Remember, if you don’t obey, you’re a far-right fascist.
And the people pushing this filth into the minds of children tell us that we are guilty of hatecrime. Okay, I plead guilty, along with many millions more. I hate this revolting anti-human agenda they call ‘progressive’ or ‘woke’ or -why not just call it what it is- a sick cult. Hate? Yes, Britain and America have both learned to hate -to hate the smug, lying faces of the far-left psychopathic perverts and their filthy stealth-communist plans to degrade everything decent and worthwhile.
They look shocked when we notice our replacements swarming on the tide. First they imported the voters, then they imported a government for the immigrants to support. India and Pakistan took the English midlands, and every hour for fifteen years another thousand voters were delivered to Heathrow airport. Next the boats began crossing the channel, bringing dozens, then hundreds, now thousands every month; all welcome, everything is free, take your pick. They’re stunned because we noticed.
Awarding the first prize -control of mighty London- was the task of Boris the Betrayer, who handed the capital city on a plate to Sadiq Khan in return for a five-minute stint as pretend Churchill. At the Covid after-party, a quick shot at running our joke Parliament was gifted to grinning Rishi Sunak, the billionaire asset-stripper who offshored the last of the British economy. That’s how it was done, and frankly I’m too sick of it all to waste any more time on the why.
What’s happening now is just the next step in taking us back into captivity. In March of 2020 the world’s governments declared war on their own voters as the puppets of the corporations collaborated to reduce their own populations to bonded slaves, wielding a fake plague like a club to beat them into submission. How they revelled in that power -and how they ache to taste it again. July 2024 brought a new government to Britain, hell-bent on creating a European China for africans to squat in.
Now a British state-sponsored ‘voluntary suicide’ program is being rolled out ASAP. If Starmerism is the future, about half the pensioners in England will probably be tossing a mental coin on that option. With every passing week the ‘two-tier’ legal system becomes evermore obvious, but the only ‘protests’ encouraged and applauded are those paid for with back-door-money -the phoney ‘anti-racist’ rallies and the raving immigrant activists fighting foreign battles on the streets of British cities. The most popular political leader -and current best-selling author in the UK- is now in a jail-cell, to prevent him reaching the tens of thousands eager to meet him. This is the world of Starmer’s Law, where the home-bred are despised by the state and the glittering prizes are reserved for gatecrashers, gangsters and the goons who march on command for the Party.
A queue of Youtubing ‘commentators’ are now conveniently on hand (online) to explain ‘the law’ to us -as if the law wasn’t an edged weapon but a harmless formula that becomes neutral once you ‘understand’ it. Frankly, we don’t need explanations when the state arrests its enemies; we’ve seen this movie before. You don’t need a degree to know that when the shit hits the fan, the law is whatever the predator-state wants it to be. When BLM shouts ‘jump’ the law becomes an anti-white free-for-all, from California to Cornwall. When the vax-masters next yell “PANDEMIC” -and they will, my friends, they bloody well will - the ‘law’ will put you back in mental chains before you can whisper lockdown. This weekend the law was a just a dented, rusty claw hammer intended to batter all the Tommy Robinsons into a collective pulp. It didn’t even come close.
Here is the truth of why Tommy was arrested, we are told, followed by a multi-syllabic marathon of doublespeak and legalese -as if it matters. We all know why Tommy Robinson was arrested this time; for the same reason he was arrested the time before, and always will be arrested: to silence his voice. To prevent the next thousand Tommies from waking up. Tommy is arrested the way Trump is prosecuted, on a carousel of brutal lawfare where the lawyering never stops. Trump is dragged to court but breaks free; too rich to fall in the face of phoney crimes. Robinson is flung into jail, again and again, too small to buy justice, but like the truth itself, too dangerous to let loose.
Meanwhile the machinery of justice clanks to a bloodstained halt for the Left’s ethnic and political favourites. The public trial that will reveal the as-yet unspeakable truth about the outrageous Southport massacre is postponed yet again -racing away from us, ever deeper into 2025, in an obscene affront to the victims and their families. Three young girls hacked to death in public, but the truth kicked a mile down the road like an inconvenient can. If the bastard who did that gets off with a ‘mental health’ plea, (the diversity plea of choice in modern Britain) I predict Kier Starmer will see what a real riot looks like. To growing disbelief, the spectacularly violent Manchester airport Muslims are still free as birds, having assaulted police with their fists instead of words. Topping the bill is the Labour Party apparatchik who -at the height of the public disorder- shrieked ‘we need to cut all their throats’ about his political opponents, but was quietly released on bail, and will spend Christmas at home. But the delays are acts of desperation; they are only delaying the inevitable.
This regime’s scandals are piling up faster than the media can bury the bodies. A young woman working in a migrant-packed hotel was killed just the other day -not that the BBC or the government have a word to say about her. Will the killer turn out to be a far-right supremacist? Answers on a postcard to the Crown Prosecution Service, who will no doubt delay the killer's trial until next summer by which time he too will have received six-months training in how to plead ‘mental health’. Try it, Starmer, just try it.
My word, Labour really is having a party. On Monday morning the British public were treated to astonishing CCTV footage of a Labour MP sucker-punching one of his constituents in the head before thrashing his prone body with his fists. What is this but the spirit of Starmerism made flesh? One Labour councillor calling for mass-murder, and a sitting Member of Parliament beating an unarmed man into the gutter? Do they seriously think they can continue this macabre circus of violent assault?
Fleet Street moralisers used to howl in horror when innocents bore the brunt of that kind of savagery in communist Russia. But in Khan’s London the journalists do the same drugs as the cabinet ministers (in the same toilets) and what you don’t report can’t hurt you.
All eyes are on poor old America -the very last nation where ordinary men and women still have the right to defend their freedom with force of arms. That vast, infuriating country is tilted on a November knife edge between the totalitarian fantasies of the far-left and a desperately-needed return to reality. The ten-million strong invasion of their ever-opening border has swept the immigrant horde as far as the hotels of New York city and that fragile kingdom is itself finally collapsing in debt and in disgrace. All that a Donald Trump victory can deliver them is a pause, but it’s the pause that must happen now, the last-chance to reverse the degrading tide, to turn the ships of state back towards sanity, across what remains of the once-civilised west.
Do you feel a sense of a world no longer joined up by common sense and shared reality? You damn well should. We have been deliberately unmoored, cast away from reason on a dodgy raft of lunatic ideas about race and sex, an imaginary plague, an imaginary climate crisis, by an unelected cabal awash with stolen money. At this moment in time, America has no President, France has no government, the EU has no economy, and the UK is staggering like a drunken whore from mark to mark -five Prime Ministers in the last five years.
They want to lock up Trump because then all America will be their prisoners. They locked up Tommy Robinson to remind us we will be next. Shut up and obey is the global mantra, the order of the day, the shrill voice of Big Bad Government snivelling in your ear. Just four years ago they put you in a muzzle and locked you in your home, and that’s the only place where they want to keep you.
Does anyone seriously think another rigged election and another utterly fake government will fix this plunge into collective ruin? There is no choice but resistance and refusal to cooperate. Tommy Robinson keeps finding the courage to resist and refuse -and the growing understanding that he is just the tip of the public spear terrifies them. Don’t kid yourself these clowns have a master plan -they ain’t that smart. All they have is their roll-call of emergencies, the fear-porn and the threats.
But this has already gone too far; we have been force-fed lies to bursting point. They turn the key on Robinson’s cell with trembling hands and regroup behind their own locked doors, wondering what the hell stunt to pull next. The clock is ticking on the societal time-bomb they themselves assembled. History repeats whether you like it or not; sooner or later, the public’s patience will snap. In the last resort the little people will always break the contract of law and order with a state that has betrayed them too often. Our would-be leaders are blind drunk on the illusion of a power they never had and never will. As emperor Caligula might have put it, if you listen closely, you can hear the Gods laughing. Some very big dominoes are about to fall.
now that is some clarity. thank you.